
when a person try to say something, sometimes what they say, in ocassions is not what actually mean , people can be a little clueless or just they don’t know how to say it but let’s talk about Męåńīńgš: 


Sometimes we confused that with the metaphoric words like, ” I’m gonna die”, and when people doesn’t know the meaning of metaphoric  words, they.. Just don’t get it; like literally mm… Like “give me everything you got and nobody is gonna get hurt”, well in occasion is true what they say, but sometimes “run”  

But when we turn into  feelings  is really important what the other persons is ACTUALLY  trying to mean 


Relationships: “I love you” it can mean “I care about you”,” I like you as a friend” or just “I want to change our friendship for another thing”

Friendship: “Friends forever”, ok all right, it actually doesn’t mean FOREVER it just mean the person that said that can be exited  or just want to be your friend but never forever in other place it can be true, you know what they said forever and ever( I don’t get it)

Hater: when this person mean ” go to hell”   It actually means that he hate you so he mean what he said 

Oh and for last sorry if I got I mistake I  metaphoric but I was trying to mean other thing ( is ironic )